.Net Core
The benchmark program was run with the environment:
- InSync 1.0.0
- Targeting .NET Core 2.1
- .NET SDK 5.0.101
- Windows 10
- Ryzen 3700X
- fix clock at 4GHz
- SMT was disabled
- StopWatch resolution 100ns
- High process priority
Single Lock
With no contentions, execution time of different methods of acquiring 1 lock was measured. Because of insufficient resolution of StopWatch
, each method was repeated 200,000 times. The averages of time in nanoseconds were calculated. 100 times of such measurement were ran to get 100 averages for each method. Core 4 was used.
Method | Mean | STD |
Loop overhead | 0.251335 | 0.003273752 |
lock | 10.44946 | 0.037760254 |
Synchronized.WithLock | 11.077325 | 0.125649291 |
Synchronized.Lock | 24.920565 | 0.589758128 |
SemaphoreSlim.Wait | 26.13611 | 0.300629437 |
AsyncSynchronized.WithLock | 37.637085 | 0.366919775 |
AsyncSynchronized.Lock | 51.63986 | 0.724153676 |
SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync | 37.379345 | 0.691119172 |
AsyncSynchronized.WithLockAsync | 95.74239 | 0.231985083 |
AsyncSynchronized.LockAsync | 110.948145 | 0.605324165 |
Multiple Locks
Similarly, that of acquiring 2 locks was measured.
Method | Mean | STD |
Loop overhead | 0.501575 | 0.001162058 |
lock | 20.69993 | 0.188203361 |
Synchronized.Lock | 42.319905 | 0.945111729 |
MultiSync.All Monitor | 102.502125 | 1.99298697 |
MultiSync.All Monitor reusing array | 98.72238 | 1.695725165 |
SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync | 73.396305 | 0.943295799 |
MultiSync.AllAsync SemaphoreSlim | 321.813115 | 1.390673596 |
Dining Philosophers
The original C++ code was rewritten in C# but with 10s eating time. For the 4-core case, 11 times was run using core 4, 5, 6 and 7. For the 8 core case, 10 times was run using all the cores.
Similary, an async version was run 13 and 13 times for the 4-core case and the 8-core case.
.NET Framework
The benchmark program was run with the environment:
- InSync 1.0.0
- Targeting .NET Framework 4.6.1
- Windows 10
- Ryzen 3700X
- fix clock at 4GHz
- SMT was disabled
- StopWatch resolution 100ns
- High process priority
Single Lock
With no contentions, execution time of different methods of acquiring 1 lock was measured. Because of insufficient resolution of StopWatch
, each method was repeated 200,000 times. The averages of time in nanoseconds were calculated. 100 times of such measurement were ran to get 100 averages for each method. Core 4 was used.
Method | Mean | STD |
Loop overhead | 0.36223 | 0.001206924 |
lock | 12.41344 | 0.014205078 |
Synchronized.WithLock | 15.11072 | 0.070974434 |
Synchronized.Lock | 24.416935 | 0.668656778 |
SemaphoreSlim.Wait | 115.474135 | 1.21495724 |
AsyncSynchronized.WithLock | 123.731365 | 1.971970009 |
AsyncSynchronized.Lock | 144.250505 | 1.632774856 |
SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync | 107.495325 | 1.348014322 |
AsyncSynchronized.WithLockAsync | 295.73078 | 1.973408472 |
AsyncSynchronized.LockAsync | 317.64382 | 1.759929962 |
Multiple Locks
Similarly, that of acquiring 2 locks was measured.
Method | Mean | STD |
Loop overhead | 0.57007 | 0.012049984 |
lock | 24.06699 | 0.131246722 |
Synchronized.Lock | 43.842105 | 0.545906966 |
MultiSync.All Monitor reusing array | 116.076655 | 1.714836014 |
MultiSync.All Monitor | 127.937495 | 1.485412852 |
SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync | 214.37862 | 2.697429956 |
MultiSync.AllAsync SemaphoreSlim | 715.955235 | 2.760225229 |
Dining Philosophers
The original C++ code was rewritten in C# but with 10s eating time. For the 4-core case, 12 times was run using core 4, 5, 6 and 7. For the 8-core case, 13 times was run using all cores.
Similary, an async version was run 13 and 13 times for the 4-core case and the 8-core case.
For reference, a slightly modified version of the original C++ code was run. The eating time was 10s. Other modifications were for conveniently running continously. The environment was:
- Toolset Visual Studio 2019 v142
- Optimization O2
- Windows 10
- Ryzen 3700X
- fix clock at 4GHz
- SMT was disabled
- StopWatch resolution 100ns
- High process priority
For the 4-core case, 10 times was run using core 4, 5, 6 and 7. For the 8 core case, 9 times was run using all cores.